The Rabbit Hole Blog
Adventures in art. Explorations of sciences.
The Single Most Important Thing in Learning Any Art
Bold title. I know, but hear me out.... We've all heard the tropes: Never stop learning. You can always be better. 10,000 hours to Mastery. But you know what? That 10,000 hours is useless without The Single Most Important Thing in Learning Any Art: A technical...
Why You Should Save Your Fuck Ups
This is getting into advice and philosophy, but you're here so you are presumably curious about my opinion on various art things. First I feel like I should start with a confession: I have been avoiding a commission. There are a lot of reasons why... Its a memorial...
Flat Silk and Obsessive Color (Part 3)
I think we have reached the end of these color posts, though I suspect you'll be seeing posts on embroidery for at least another month. The first two colors are still reasonably simple. But on the other two... we have moved from reasonable assumptions, to trickier...
Flat Silk and Obsessive Color (Part 2)
Wow, you're still here huh? I feel like at this point I should preface this next post with the fact that we're moving on to a mixture of conjecture and educated guesses. While I ultimately have consulted a fair amount of lightfastness charts for historical pigments:...
Flat Silk and Obsessive Color (Part 1)
Well friends, here we are onto the reason I started the Rabbit Hole blog. As I work on recreating a particularly beautiful Elizabethan embroidered book cover (British library shelf mark C17a23) for Pentathlon, I have fallen head first into an unexpectedly nuanced...
An Introduction to the Society and The Rabbit Hole Blog
It's difficult to picture anyone who doesn't already know me will come to read this. But, just in case, let me introduce myself and talk about what you'll see go forward. My name is Nora Cannaday. I may be a grown adult, but my spare time is spent in equal measures:...

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